INTO 2021

We are still poor as $BTC rips through USD 40,000 and $ETH sways closer to ATH.

But hey, on the other hand it is true that our foundation is currently finishing up some details that will really make the difference.

Although you could also be sending donations to euskalduna.eth or to our $BTC address (find it on

In the next weeks we expect our website to be slightly more polished — will be including or foundational manifesto.

Also, our foundation will register soon in Montevideo so we can start providing invoices to all those willing to show proof of donation to the tax authorities.

Follow us, contact us, we really need of your solidarity if we want to put something together here!

Thanks for coming with us on this most amazing trip.

ECF Team



Euskalduna.eth ¦ Euskalduna Crypto Foundation

DONATE! Euskalduna Crypto Foundation enables the ultimate trans-atlantic crypto fintech enabler